Delta View Water Association

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GKGSA Approves Rules and Regulations for Groundwater Pumping with Delta View Recommendations!

Greater Kaweah GSA has Approved the final Rules and Regulations at the Board meeting on August 15th 2022

The changes that were recommended by DVWA in our public comment letter were for the most part adopted in the final version that was posted on August 24th on the Greater Kaweah GSA web site.

Some of the highlights of the changes that we were requesting are:

  • Farm units are now defined - ground with different fee title ownership will not be penalized for transfers if in the same farm unit

  • Leased ground can be part of a farm unit

  • Flowmeters will not be required for transfers of allocation

  • GSA Invoices will have a more flexible timeline for payment than 30 days

  • Priority of use once set with remain the same for the water year

These changes will make the Rules much more user friendly for the coming water year with accounting set to begin October 1, 2022.

We will be keeping a close watch on how the water allocations and the rules are affecting our members and advocating for any changes necessary to streamline the process and minimize the adverse effects these rules will cause.

The map shown above hows the Kaweah basin analysis zones that were developed in the update of the GSP submitted on July 27th, 2022. Transfer policy in the newly adopted Rules and Regs are based on these zones. You can click HERE for a more detailed link to the map.

We have created this chart to summarize how the different types of allocated water are handled in the new Rules and Regulations.

Allocation Category Rules for Transfer and Carryover

Over the next 18 years the allocation of Tier 1 overdraft and Tier 2 overdraft will be ramped down to ZERO. The schedule for the ramp down is built into the GSP and is restated in the Rules and Regulations.

Allowable Overdraft

2023-2025 90% Overdraft

2026-2030 70% Overdraft

2031-2035 40% Overdraft

2036-2040 20% Overdraft

If you have any questions regarding the Rules and Regulations or would like to schedule a meeting to discuss your water budget for future years, feel free to call Johnny Gailey at 559-906-6229