We are a non-profit organization representing landowners and growers in the Greater Kaweah GSA in the Kaweah subbasin.

The Sustainable Groundwater Act has been implemented. As of October 2022 your land is being monitored for water usage by satellites and you will be billed for pumping your groundwater this year.

DVWA is working to protect our groundwater and ensure equitable groundwater solutions are adopted as we navigate SGMA. It is important that you are aware of the groundwater pumping rules in your area in order to modify your farming practices to stay in compliance.

We encourage you to get involved! Join Delta View Water Association, support landowners and help preserve family farming for generations to come.

We are grateful for your support!

Membership in the Delta View Water Association allows us to represent you within the Kaweah Subbasin and help protect our water. Membership is easy.

Membership dues are $12.00/Acre per year for landowners. We also offer Associate Memberships for local businesses.

Join today!