If you farm in Tulare County and are located in the Greater Kaweah GSA, you’re in the right place! As shown in the map below, parts of Kings County are also included in the Greater Kaweah GSA.

Not sure what GSA you’re in? Click here.

Delta View Water serves as a voice for groundwater dependent growers in the Greater Kaweah GSA. The Kaweah Subbain is third in line to face a Probationary Hearing with the State Water Resources Control Board, following Tulare Lake and Tule Subbasins. Our organization works with our local GSAs and the state to represent you and advocate for equitable water solutions as we work to preserve family farms and the health and well-being of our local economies.

Farming in the SGMA era (Sustainable Groundwater Management Act) is going to bring major challenges to our businesses and communities. According to the Tulare Economic Development Corporation, “Tulare County continues to produce high-quality crops that provide food and fiber to more than 96 countries throughout the world.” From their most recent report, “Milk continues to be the leading agricultural commodity in Tulare County; with a gross value of $1.6 Billion. Additionally, the millions of dollars in agricultural property taxes support our schools and public safety. What’s equally astounding is the jobs this industry provides. “…there are 294% more jobs in Food Processing in this region than we would expect to find in the average region.”

Due to the significant impact agriculture has on our local economy - in addition to feeding the world - we need to find the best solutions possible that serve both ag and non-ag alike.

Delta View Water is very active in the area and we’re proud to help defend the jobs, the livelihoods, and water of groundwater dependent landowners and growers. We believe that all affected landowners should be well equipped with the knowledge and resources they need to adapt to sweeping regulatory changes from SGMA. We’re here to support YOU.

If you have any questions, please contact deltavh2o@gmail.com.