Delta View Water Association advocates for water solutions that equitably benefit its members and thus preserve critical farmland.

In response to the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) passed in the State of California in 2015, the Kaweah Subbasin was divided into three separate Groundwater Sustainability Agencies (GSAs). SGMA required that a Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP) be submitted to the State by January 2020. The main focus of the plans was to address the groundwater overdraft in the basin resulting in a long-term decrease in groundwater levels.

Delta View represents growers in Kings and Tulare Counties, specifically Greater Kaweah GSA, Mid-Kings River GSA, and the South Fork Kings GSA. Currently, Kaweah Subbasin and Tulare Lake Subbasin plans have been deemed “inadequate” and are being revised. Per State Water Resources Control Board, both basins are scheduled for probationary hearings in April (Tulare Lake) and November (Kaweah) 2024.

The Greater Kaweah GSA determined that the Native Sustainable Yield of groundwater pumping in our basin for WY 2024 is 0.62 acre-feet per acre. Click here for more information on tiered water and their penalty rates.

Delta View Water Association objectives are as follows:

  1. Remain intimately involved in all Kaweah and Tulare Lake Subbasin efforts as it pertains to the 3 GSAs that we serve. To participate in meetings as necessary to advance the process of developing the GSP in a way that is sustainable for long term farming of groundwater only or limited groundwater locations. And finally, to be a vocal advocate for, and provide resources and information to, ALL our members. Click Here to see a calendar of meetings that we routinely participate in.

  2. To identify and develop possible future projects for the recharge of groundwater benefiting our Delta View Water Association membership; projects that will also benefit the entire subbasin.

  3. To identify and develop future projects for conveyance and access to existing conveyance to bring in water from other sources eg. Kings River, Cross Creek, and CVP water when it is available to benefit Delta View Water Association’s landowners.

Delta View Water Association’s goal is to shape a post-SGMA environment that allows for economically sustainable long-term farming, thus preserving the futures of the members of the DVWA.